when I first moved to this apartment my door faced out into the back yard. there was a concrete patio that had been neglected for some time, so I asked my landlord if I could fix it up. I tried to do this as cheaply as possible, using materials and furnishings that I could find for free on places like craigslist. in the end My landlord liked what I did and they ended up paying me for this.
I started off by building a firepit out of bricks ,cinder blocks and slate rocks that I found around the property, so that I could burn the brush pile.
I also started collecting bamboo and started building the wall.
There were two raised beds already on site, however they were completely overgrown to the point that I didn’t notice them at first. So I spent several days clearing the thick vines and vegetation out so I could plant vegetables in them for the fall. In doing so, I ended up creating an even larger brush pile on the patio
I harvested some more bamboo and got a big haul of the free wood from behind Lowes then started constructing raised beds and trellises.
for several years, the neighbors had been blowing all of their leaf litter through a gap in the fence onto these stairs on this hill that faces the alley. over time, it had turned into a deep pile of rich compost filled with worms, so I dug it all up and used it to fill the raised beds.
I installed some stepping stones because a lot of people would walk through the grass to the stairs on their way to class.
By the time spring had came I had finished building everything and It was ready to grow some plants.